Illusion Demonstrations
Our lab develops new Illusions that improve and expand our understanding of sensory processing in the brain. Listed here are illusions we have developed and links to their publications and demonstrations.
The Audiovisual Rabbit Illusion
The Audiovisual Rabbit Illusion generates the perception of an illusory flash. The position of that flash is determined backward in time based on the spatial position of a later real flash. This influence backward in time is called postdiction and can occur in perception over short time scales (within a few hundred milliseconds).
The Dynamic Double Flash Illusion
The Dynamic Double Flash Illusion generates an illusory flash of a gradient stimulus triggered by an auditory beep, and following the perception a real flash. In addition, a majority of participants experienced illusory expansion or contraction when the real gradient stimulus was flashed. Participants also reported a replay of this motion with the perception of the illusory flash (a second flash).
The Audiovisual Rabbit Illusion with Illusory Contours
The Audiovisual Rabbit was found to also be perceived when the real visual flashes were defined by illusory contours. This indicates both the robustness of the Audiovisual Rabbit Illusion but also that illusory contours are likely represented early in the visual processing pipeline