Join Us
We welcome applications to join the research laboratory
Postdoctoral Scholars
Please send an email to Dr. Stiles at ns1608@Rutgers.edu. In the email please specify your background and interest in the lab and include a C.V.
Graduate Students
We only accept graduate students that are already a part of a Rutgers Ph.D. or Masters program (such as in the BME department or the neuroscience program). If you are in one of those programs or applying, please contact Dr. Stiles at ns1608@Rutgers.edu to ask questions about joining the lab for a rotation or research project.
Undergraduate Students
We welcome undergraduate students as research assistants through Rutgers during the academic year or visiting the lab from another institution in the summer months. Please contact Dr. Stiles at ns1608@Rutgers.edu with any inquires or questions.